Watches had appeared a long time ago, but have you ever wondered when did the first-ever smartwatch appear? This device is more than a timepiece because it has additional functions like heart monitoring and activity tracking. But other than that, most smartwatches today have GPS that allows you to tell where the wearer is. But before you explore the device’s exciting features, would it be better to go back in time and learn when it was first used? Read on and learn the history of smartwatches.

Computing Smartwatches
When you say a smartwatch, you can tell that it is a timepiece with additional features, so it is safe to say that the Calcron is one of the first smartwatches because it’s introduced in 1975. It is one of the first calculator smartwatches that had a nine-digit display. It has helped people back then to perform basic calculations without the need to use a separate calculator. In the early 1980s, Seiko has also introduced other models with computing capabilities.
As time passed by, more watch companies have joined the bandwagon of producing computing smartwatches. In the history of smartwatches, other watches include the Data-2000 (1983), which could store two memos of up to 1,000 characters each. These were fit into a keyboard where the user has entered their entered information. Another timepiece was the RC-1000 (1984) which was connected to a personal computer. There was also the Receptor MessageWatch (1990), which has received messages via FM radio signals.
In the 1990s, Datalink (1994) collaborated with Timex and Microsoft, where information was entered on personal computers. It was transmitted to the watch wirelessly via light pulses. Another fascinating timepiece back then was the Seiko’s Ruputer (1998), a personal computer fitted into a watch. In this device, data was entered through buttons or a joystick. Another one was Samsung’s SPH-WP10 (1999) which became the first watch phone.
The Earliest Smart Wearables
Many watch experts point to the Microsoft SPOT (Smart Personal Object Technology) when it comes to the earliest smartwatches. Although it was only introduced in 2004, this device has many features that a smartwatch should have. For instance, SPOT has received information such as weather, news, and stock updates through FM radio. Not only that, but it was also capable of receiving e-mail and instant messages. However, one of its downsides is that the user cannot reply to the messages.
Smartwatches instantly became popular despite their higher price compared to traditional watches. This is because people have seen its potential of becoming an all-in-one device where you can receive time and weather updates, and news, all while looking stylish (related: best smartwatches for women). Not only that, but smartwatches have become more innovative because watch companies have added GPS trackers (related: kids gps tracker watch), heart monitoring, etc. If you are considering buying a smartwatch, it is essential to consider several factors, including smart watch battery life. Learning the history of smartwatches can help you understand smart wearables and how they have progressed over time.