Apple Watch Rumored To Have 4GB Storage, 512MB RAM

There’s still plenty we don’t know about the Apple Watch. As we discussed, the pricing of the Apple Watch Classic and Edition models remain a mystery, probably because Apple knows there’s going to be a huge blowback when people find out how expensive they are. No point generating all that negative press right from the start. People won’t be able to resist them any any price, once they get their hands on them.

The device’s other specs haven’t been revealed yet, not because Apple is downplaying the information, but because they haven’t closed the final deals with a lot of component makers. However, some of the details are starting to filter through.

Apple Insider is reporting that the Apple Watch will feature 512 megabytes of RAM, and a “mainstream version” with 4 gig internal storage. The report was based on a research note to investors by Timothy Arcuri of Cowen and Company. It said that the 512MB of mobile DRAM will likely be supplied by Samsung, Hynix and Micron.

Image from AppleArcuri believes that Apple may offer 8 gigs of storage as an option in one of the models, but the 4GB will be the default configuration. He also said that the Apple Watch will also feature a wireless combination chip similar to the Broadcom chip in the iPhone 5s, which includes a GPS radio. This is at odds with Apple’s announcement, which said the device needed to be connected to the iPhone in order to offer GPS data.

It’s possible that GPS may be installed but not enabled, especially given that GPS eats a lot of power, and battery life is still likely to be the biggest negative associated with the Apple Watch. After the price, of course.


About The Author

Rich Karfilis

Rich Karfilis is a tech writer and gadget freak, and his work can also be found at and at